1992년 서울대학교 약학대학 제약학과 약학사
1994년 서울대학교 약학대학원 약학석사 (약품제조화학 전공)
2003년 Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin
2021년 – 현재 : 서울대학교 약학대학, 교수
2016년 – 2021년 : 서울대학교 약학대학, 부교수
2012년 – 2016년 : 서울대학교 약학대학, 조교수
2010년 – 2012년 : 아주대학교 약학대학, 조교수
2004년 – 2010년 : Pennsylvania State University, Postdoctoral Researcher
주요관심 연구분야
- 단백질의 기능과 작용 기전을 분자레벨에서 규명하기 위한 mechanistic probe 및 modulator 의 개발
- 새로운 형광 probe 화합물 및 Biosensor 개발
- 빛을 이용한 세포 사멸 제어 및 photosensitizer 개발
- Le Bich Hang Pham, Khanh Linh Chung, Seoyoung Kim, Jeeyeon Lee*, Multifunctional photosensitizers for the activation and visualization of pyroptotic cell death under photodynamic therapy, Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical (2024), 134799.
- Yun-Jeong Kim, Bumhee Lim, Seo Young Kim, Yoon-Ze Shin, Nayoung Yu, Eun-Kyung Shin, Jae-Eon Lee, Yong Hyun Jeon, Dae-Duk Kim, Jeeyeon Lee*, Hyuk-Jin Cha*, Remodeling of sorafenib as an orally bioavailable ferroptosis inducer for Lung Cancer by chemical modification of adenine-binding motif, Biomed Pharmacother, 2024 May 25:176:116758.
- Ho Jin Lee, Phuong Chi Pham, Honglan Pei, Bumhee Lim, Seung Yeob Hyun, Byungyeob Baek, Byungjin Kim, Yunha Kim, Min-Hwan Kim, Nae-Won Kang, Hye-Young Min, Dae-Duk Kim, Jeeyeon Lee*, Ho-Young Lee*, Development of the phenylpyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidine-based, insulin-like growth factor receptor/Src/AXL-targeting small molecule kinase inhibitor, Theranostics, 11(4):1918-1936 (2021).
- Jaehyun Park, Bumhee Lim, Na Keum Lee, Ji Hye Lee, Kyungkuk Jang, San Won Kang, Suzi Kim, Ikyon Kim, Hyonseok Hwang, Jeeyeon Lee*, Dual-functioning IQ-LVs as lysosomal viscosity probes with red-shifted emission and inhibitors of autophagic flux, Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical, 309:127764 (2020).
- Lim B, Baek B, Jang K, Lee NK, Lee JH, Lee Y, Kim J, Kang SW, Park J, Kim S, Kang N, Hong S, Kim D, Kim I, Hwang H, Lee J* Novel turn-on fluorescent biosensors for selective detection of cellular Fe3+ in lysosomes: thiophene as a selectivity-tuning handle for Fe3+ sensors, Dyes and Pigments, 169:51-59 (2019).
- Kwon S, Lee Y, Jung Y, Kim JH, Baek B, Lim B, Lee J, Kim I, Lee J* Mitochondria-targeting indolizino[3,2-c]quinolines as novel class of photosensitizers for photodynamic anticancer activity, Eur. J. Med. Chem., 148:116-127 (2018).
- Lee HJ, Pham PC, Hyun SY, Baek B, Kim B, Kim Y, Min HY, Lee J*, Lee HY* Development of a 4-aminopyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidine-based dual IGF1R/Src inhibitor as a novel anticancer agent with minimal toxicity, Molecular Cancer, 17(1):50 (2018).
- Kwon S, Kwon DI, Jung Y, Kim JH, Lee Y, Lim B, Kim I, Lee J* Indolizino[3,2-c]quinolines as environment-sensitive fluorescent light-up probes for targeted live cell imaging, Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, 252:340-352 (2017).
- Lee J, Lee Y, Park SJ, Lee J, Kim YS, Suh YG, Lee J*, Discovery of highly selective and potent monoamine oxidase B inhibitors: Contribution of additional phenyl rings introduced into 2-aryl-1,3,4-oxadiazin-5(6H)-one, J. Med. Chem., 130:365-378 (2017).
- Lee R, Gam J, Moon J, Lee SG, Suh YG, Lee BG, Lee J* A critical element of the light-induced quaternary structural changes in YtvA-LOV, Protein Science 24(12):1997-2007 (2015).
- Park S, Kwon DI, Lee J*, Kim I.* When Indolizine Meets Quinoline: Diversity-Oriented Synthesis of New Polyheterocycles and Their Optical Properties, ACS Comb. Sci, 17(8):459-69 (2015) (selected as the cover article).
- Moon J, Gam J, Lee SG, Suh YG, and Lee J* Light Regulated Tetracycline Binding to the Tet Repressor, –Eur. J, 20: 2508-2514 (2014).