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서울대학교 서울대학교 약학대학




이윤희 교수

연락처02-880-2139 / 2140

서울대 약학대학 학사

서울대 약학대학 석사

미국웨인주립대학 의과대학 박사

주요관심 연구분야
  • 지방조직 줄기세포 분화기전 연구
  • 유전자조작 마우스를 활용한 대사질환 신규 표적 발굴
  • 지방조직유래 생체지질 및 엑소좀 생리 활성 연구
  • 비만, 당뇨 및 노화성 대사질환 치료제 개발을 위한 지방조직 리모델링 유도물질 탐색

[대표 논문 10편]

  1. Cho YK, Son Y, Kim SN, Song HY, Saha A, Ahn SY, Kim MS, Park JH, Jung YS, Granneman JG, Lee YH* MicroRNA-10a regulates macrophage polarization and promotes therapeutic adipose tissue remodeling. Molecular Metabolism (2019, in press)
  2. Song HY, Kim SN, Saha A, Ahn SY, Akindehin S, Son Y, Cho YK, Kim MS, Park JH, Jung YS, Lee YH* Aging-Induced Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor in Adipocyte Progenitors Contributes to Adipose Tissue Dysfunction. Aging and Disease (2019, in press)
  3. Kim, S.N., Akindehin, S., Kwon, H.J., Son, Y.H., Saha, A., Jung, Y.S., Seong, J.K., Lim, K.M., Sung, J.H., Maddipati, K.R., Lee YH* Anti-inflammatory role of 15-lipoxygenase contributes to the maintenance of skin integrity in mice. Scientific reports 8, 8856 (2018)
  4. Burl RB, Ramseyer VD, Rondini EA, Pique-Regi, Lee YH, Granneman JG Deconstructing adipogenesis induced by ß3-adrenergic receptor activation with single cell expression profiling Cell Metabolism, 28, 300-309.e304. (2018)
  5. Kim, S.N., Akindehin, S., Kwon, H.J., Son, Y.H., Saha, A., Jung, Y.S., Seong, J.K., Lim, K.M., Sung, J.H., Maddipati, K.R., Lee YH* Anti-inflammatory role of 15-lipoxygenase contributes to the maintenance of skin integrity in mice. Scientific reports 8, 8856 (2018).
  6. Kim SN, Kwon HJ, Im SW, Son YH, Akindehin S, Jung YS, Lee SJ, Rhyu IJ, K IY, Seong JK, Lee HC, Lee J, Granneman JG, Lee YH* (2017) Connexin 43 is required for the maintenance of mitochondrial integrity in brown adipose tissue. Scientific reports 7(1):7159 (2017).
  7. Kwon HJ, Kim SN, Kim YA, and Lee YH*: The contribution of arachidonate15-lipoxygenase in tissue macrophages to adipose tissue remodeling. Cell Death & Disease 7(6):e2285 (2016)
  8. Lee YH, Petkova AP, Konkar A, Granneman JG: Cellular origins of cold-induced brown adipocytes in adult mice. FASEB Journal 29(1): 286-99 (2015)
  9. Lee YH, Petkova AP, Granneman JG: Identification of an adipogenic niche for adipose tissue remodeling and restoration. Cell Metabolism 18 (3): 355-367 (2013)
  10. Lee YH, Petkova AP, Mottillo EP, Granneman JG: In vivo identification of bipotential adipocyte progenitors recruited by β3-adrenoceptor activation and high fat feeding. Cell Metabolism 15 (4): 480-491 (2012).