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서울대학교 서울대학교 약학대학




구자현 부교수

연락처880-8586 / 880-8587

2006년 – 2010년 학사, 서울대학교 약학대학 학사

2010년 – 2017년 박사, 서울대학교 약학대학(약물학 전공)


2017년-2019년 Postdoctoral fellow, University of California at San Diego

2019년-2021년 조교수, 가톨릭대학교 의과대학

2021년-현재 조교수/부교수, 서울대학교 약학대학

주요관심 연구분야
  • 질환 치료를 위한 새로운 약물학적 타겟 발굴
  • 지방간질환 심화 기전 및 간 기능 조절 원리 규명
  • Hippo 신호회로 네트워크의 약물학적 응용

01. Lee NY, Choi MG, Lee EJ, Koo JH. Interplay between YAP/TAZ and metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease progression. Archives of Pharmacal Research, 2024; 47(6):558-570.
02. Kwon A, Kim YS, Kim J, Koo JH. Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Activates Hepatic Macrophages through PERK-hnRNPA1 Signaling. Biomolecules & Therapeutics, 2024; 32(3):341-348.
03. Kwon A, Lee NY, Yu JH, Choi MG, Park J, Koo JH. Mitochondrial stress activates YAP/TAZ through RhoA oxidation to promote liver injury. Cell Death & Disease, 2024; 15(1):51.


04. Yu JH, Choi MG, Lee NY, Kwon A, Lee E, Koo JH. Hepatocyte GPCR signaling regulates IRF3 to control hepatic stellate cell transdifferentiation. Cell Communication and Signaling, 2024; 22(1):48.


05. Yu JH, Kim JH, Soung NK, Moon EY, Koo JH. Identification of the primary ciliary proteins IFT38 and IFT144 to enhance serum-mediated YAP activation and cell proliferation. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2023; 681:186-193.


06. Jeong H, Hong EH, Ahn JH, Cho J, Jeong JH, Kim CW, Yoon BI, Koo JH, Park YY, Yang YM, Iwawaki T, Vallance BA, Chang SY, Ko HJ. ERdj5 protects goblet cells from endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated apoptosis under inflammatory conditions. Experimental and Molecular Medicine, 2023; 55(2):401-412.


07. Yu JH, Moon EY, Kim J, Koo JH. Identification of Small GTPases That Phosphorylate IRF3 through TBK1 Activation Using an Active Mutant Library Screen. Biomolecules & Therapeutics, 2023; 31(1):48-58.


08. Lee JM, Lee JW, Thuy PX, Koo JH, Moon EY. Nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 counter-regulates thymosin beta-4 expression and primary cilium formation for HeLa cervical cancer cell survival. Scientific Reports, 2022; 12(1):20170.


09. Kim A*, Koo JH*, Lee JM, Joo MS, Kim TH, Jang K, Jun DW, Kim SG. (*equally contributed) NRF2-mediated SIRT3 induction protects hepatocytes from ER stress-induced liver injury. FASEB Journal, 2022; 36(3):e22170.


10. Kim A, Koo JH, Xing J, Park SY, Kim W, Park S, Choi CS, Rhee EP, Kim SG. Ablation of USP21 in skeletal muscle promotes oxidative fiber phenotype, inhibiting obesity and type 2 diabetes. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle, 2021; 12(6):1669-1689.


11. Koo JH*, Han CY*. (*co-correspondence) Signaling nodes associated with endoplasmic reticulum stress during NAFLD progression. Biomolecules, 2021; 11(2):242.


12. Koo JH, Plouffe SW, Meng Z, Lee DH, Yang D, Lim DS, Wang CY, Guan KL. Induction of AP-1 by YAP/TAZ contributes to cell proliferation and organ growth. Genes & Development, 2020; 34:72-86.


13. Wu HM, Kim TH, Kim A, Koo JH, Joo MS, Kim SG. Liver X receptor α-induced cannabinoid receptor 2 inhibits ubiquitin-specific peptidase 4 through miR-27b, protecting hepatocytes from TGF-β. Hepatology Communications, 2019; 3(10):1373-87.


14. Kim TH, Koo JH, Heo MJ, Han CY, Kim YI, Park SY, Cho IJ, Lee CH, Choi CS, Lee JW, Kim W, Cho JY, Kim SG. ITIH1 overproduction by loss of Gα13 in liver exacerbates systemic insulin resistance. Science Translational Medicine, 2019; 11(513):eaan4735.


15. Joo MS, Shin SB, Kim EJ, Koo JH, Yim H, Kim SG. Nrf2-lncRNA controls cell fate by modulating p53-dependent Nrf2 activation as a miRNA sponge for Plk2 and p21cip1. FASEB Journal, 2019; 33(7):7953-969.

16. Pan WW, Moroishi T, Koo JH, Guan KL. Cell type-dependent function of LATS1/2 in cancer cell growth. Oncogene, 2019; 38(14):2595-610.

17. Joo MS*, Koo JH*. (*equally contributed) LRH1-driven transcription factor circuitry for hepatocyte identity: Super-enhancer cistromic analysis. EBioMedicine, 2019; 40:488-503.

18. Koo JH, Guan KL. Interplay between YAP/TAZ and metabolism. Cell Metabolism, 2018; 28(2):196-206.

19. Kim TH*, Yang YM*, Han CY, Koo JH, Oh H, Kim SS, You BH, Choi YH, Park TS, Lee CH, Kurose H, Noureddin M, Seki E, Wan YY, Choi CS, Kim SG. (*equally contributed) Gα12 ablation exacerbates liver steatosis and obesity by suppressing USP22/SIRT1-regulated mitochondrial respiration. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2018; 128(12):5587-602.

20. Kim KM, Han CY, Kim JY, Cho SS, Kim YS, Koo JH, Lee JM, Lim SC, Kang KW, Kim JS, Hwang SJ, Ki SH, Kim SG. Gα12 overexpression induced by miR-16 dysregulation contributes to liver fibrosis by promoting autophagy in hepatic stellate cells. Journal of Hepatology, 2018; 68(3):493-504.

21. Song MK, Park C, Lee YD, Kim H, Kim MK, Kwon JO, Koo JH, Joo MS, Kim SG, Kim HH. Gα12 regulates osteoclastogenesis by modulating NFATc1 expression. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, 2018; 22(2):849-60.

22. Koo JH, Kim TH, Park SY, Joo MS, Han CY, Choi CS, Kim SG. Gα13 ablation reprograms myofibers to oxidative phenotype and enhances whole-body metabolism. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2017; 127(10):3845-60.

23. Joo MS, Koo JH, Shin SB, Yim H, Kim SG. Oligopeptide competition assay for phosphorylation site determination. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 2017; 123:e55708.

24. Han CY, Koo JH, Kim SH, Gardenghi S, Rivella S, Strnad P, Hwang SJ, Kim SG. Hepcidin inhibits Smad3 phosphorylation in hepatic stellate cells by impeding ferroportin-mediated regulation of Akt. Nature Communications, 2016; 22(7):13817.

25. Han CY*, Kim TH*, Koo JH, Kim SG. (*equally contributed) Farnesoid X receptor as a regulator of fuel consumption and mitochondrial function. Archives of Pharmacal Research, 2016; 39(8):1062-74.

26. Han CY, Lim SW, Koo JH, Kim W, Kim SG. PHLDA3 overexpression in hepatocytes by endoplasmic reticulum stress via IRE1-Xbp1s pathway expedites liver injury. Gut, 2016; 65(8):1377-88.

27. Joo MS*, Kim WD*, Lee KY, Kim JH, Koo JH, Kim SG. (*equally contributed) AMPK facilitates nuclear accumulation of Nrf2 by phosphorylating at serine 550. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2016; 36(14):1931-42.

28. Koo JH, Lee HJ, Kim W, Kim SG. Endoplasmic reticulum stress in hepatic stellate cells promotes liver fibrosis via PERK-mediated degradation of HNRNPA1 and upregulation of SMAD2. Gastroenterology, 2016; 150(1):181-93.

29. Lee CG*, Koo JH*, Kim SG. (*equally contributed) Phytochemical regulation of Fyn and AMPK signaling circuitry. Archives of Pharmacal Research, 2015; 38(12):2093-105.

30. Yang YM, Lee CG, Koo JH, Kim TH, Lee JM, An J, Kim KM, Kim SG. Gα12 overexpressed in hepatocellular carcinoma reduces microRNA-122 expression via HNF4α inactivation, which causes c-Met induction. Oncotarget, 2015; 6(22):19055-69.

31. Heo MJ, Kim YM, Koo JH, Yang YM, An J, Lee SK, Lee SJ, Kim KM, Park JW, Kim SG. microRNA-148a dysregulation discriminates poor prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma in association with USP4 overexpression. Oncotarget, 2014; 5(9):2792-806.

32. Jung HS*, Seo YR*, Yang YM, Koo JH, An J, Lee SJ, Kim KM, Kim SG. (*equally contributed) Gα12 gep oncogene inhibits FOXO1 in hepatocellular carcinoma as a consequence of miR-135b and miR-194 dysregulation. Cellular Signalling, 2014; 26(7):1456-65.

33. Joo MS, Lee CG, Koo JH, Kim SG. miR-125b transcriptionally increased by Nrf2 inhibits AhR repressor, which protects kidney from cisplatin-induced injury. Cell Death & Disease, 2013; 4:e899.

34. Koo JH, Lee WH, Lee CG, Kim SG. Fyn Inhibition by cycloalkane-fused 1,2-dithiole-3-thiones enhances antioxidant capacity and protects mitochondria from oxidative injury. Molecular Pharmacology, 2012; 82:27-36.