Medicinal Plant Garden
Main Garden

243-7 Tapsakgol-gil, Ilsandong-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do

Economic Plants Research Station

278-3 Hoyeon-ro, Gyeonggi-do

TEL : 031-404-3631 / FAX : 031-404-3632

History and Objective
Medicinal Plant Garden was established at Sinsul-dong, outskirts of Seoul, in 1954, to
cultivate and maintain medicinal plants for educational and research purposes. The Garden moved to several locations in Seoul and vicinities due to the increasing numbers of plants, and it is now located in Goyang-si since 1995. The Garden’s principle function is to educate undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in pharmacognosy and medicinal plants related courses. It maintains the largest living medicinal plant collection listed on the Korean Pharmacopoeia, and Korean Herbal Pharmacopoeia.
The Garden is consisted of specimen, shade plant, and creeping plants gardens. It also maintain greenhouse to cultivate subtropical and tropical medicinal plants.
- Medicinal plants cultivation and preservation
- Supply medicinal plants for research purposes
- Educate local community people on medicinal plants