학술행사/세미나 안내 및 신청

Modern Spectrometric and Literature Data-based Approaches for the Discovery of Natural Products

연사 양희정 교수(강원대학교 약학대학)
세미나개최일 2020년 10월 16일 오후 4시
Modern Spectrometric and Literature Data-based Approaches for the Discovery of Natural Products
For a long time, natural products (NPs) are valuable sources to inspire the fundamental insights for the discovery of novel druggable candidates with unique features including of highly complex structures and properties. Since NPs produce uncountable metabolites via complex biosynthetic pathways, the chemical diversity of NPs is notlye of the biggest obstacles for understanding the complex biosynthetic pathways but also serves as a source of frustration for natural product chemists to discover novel compounds in natural materials. Recently, with the development of the state-of-art NMR and MS techniques, natural product chemists can deal with massive amounts of indispensable molecular information for deciphering the complexity of NPs. Our lab is focusing the development of an in-house method for analyzing the redundant spectral data and the application of new in silico techniques. We are also struggling to deal with biomedical literature or assay data to develop new biomedical candidates. I will present our recent research results using NMR, MS and Literature data based approaches for the discovery of novel compounds and biomedical candidates.