
[커리어케어] 채용공고


회사 및 Position : 한국알콘 Medical Affairs Specialist

[Job Description]

- Review promotional materials in align with local regulation and SOP

- Develop training and educational materials related to company's products and ophthalmologic disease

- Customize global training and educational materials

- Provide training to internal customers regarding company products and related disease

- Provide the summary of recent published articles for company products, competitors, and relevant topics to internal customers, regularly

- Educate commercial colleagues for do and don’t regarding clinical trial activities

- Provide access to medical/scientific evidence for internal and external customers

- Provide awareness of customer needs and expectations to key stakeholders that may impact company's operations.

- Support operational aspect of medical affairs activities

- Manage the IIT tracker and KOL pool

- Support a clinical site manager


- 의료기기 및 제약 연관경력 2년 이하 및 신입

- 유관 전공 졸업자

- 의료기기 및 안과 경력자 우대

- Medical Review 혹은 Medical Affairs 등과 유사한 경력 보유자 우대

[Guidelines for Applicants]

- 전형방법: 서류전형 후 1& 2차 면접

- 제출서류: 영문이력서 및 영문경력기술서

- 접수방법: 이메일 지원 (hyunss@careercare.co.kr)

- 문의 : 커리어케어 현성수 선임 컨설턴트 (02-2286-3901 / hyunss@careercare.co.kr)

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