유럽계항암백신개발전문회사 Clinical Pharmacologist 채용정보
▶ 회사소개 : 유럽계 출자 외국법인으로 특허기술 일체를 국내 기술로 보유하여 기술개발 및 임상시험을 주도하고 있는 항암백신 개발 전문회사입니다. 현재, 사원수 50명 정도이고 경기 성남시에 위치하고 있으며, 항암백신 및 감염성질환백신 개발사업을 하고 있습니다.
▶ 근무지 : 경기도 성남시
▶ 채용포지션 : Clinical Pharmacologist (임상개발팀)
▶ 상세조건
【 Job Descriptions 】
Collaborate with clinical research and development team in developing protocols, and implementing and managing clinical trials.
Apply knowledge of pharmacokinetics with pharmacodynamics to ensure proper preclinical data collection and interpretation, optimize the drug therapy for various indications, and prepare data for regulatory authority approval.
Communicate with scientists from various preclinical research organizations and be able to apply necessary skills in designing studies, and interpret the results in order to determine the optimal dosages of the medication for later studies
Apply knowledge of pharmacokinetics with pharmacodynamics to ensure proper preclinical data collection and interpretation, optimize the drug therapy for various indications, and prepare data for regulatory authority approval.
Communicate with scientists from various preclinical research organizations and be able to apply necessary skills in designing studies, and interpret the results in order to determine the optimal dosages of the medication for later studies
【 자격요건 】
- MA or PhD in biological sciences, biochemistry, immunology, cell biology preferred.
- Requires through understanding, expertise, and experience in protein and/or peptide biochemistry. - Experience in working with animal models preferred.
- Requires working in a multidisciplinary environment in drug development.
- 관련 경력 3년 이상자
- 영어능통자 (해외대학 출신 우대)
【 전형절차 】
- 서류전형, 면접전형
- 서류전형, 면접전형
▶ 제출서류 : MS Word로 된 국영문 이력서, 경력기술서 및 자기소개서
▶ 예상연봉 : 면접 후 협의
▶ 지원방법 : 아래의 이메일로 제출서류 보내주세요.