
RA Associate(약사)-외국계 유명제약사

외국계 제약사 채용대행을 하고 있는 써치펌인 매버릭 컨설팅 천혜진입니다.
현재 외국계 유명 제약사에서 RA position으로 신입이나 경력을 지니신 분을 찾고 있습니다.

아래 Job Discription확인하시고 궁금하신 사항 있으시면 언제든지 연락주시기 바랍니다.

- 지원방법: 이메일 입사지원 sally@maverick.co.kr

- 제출서류: MS워드파일로 된 영문이력서

- 천혜진이사

Tel : 02-3486-6385
Fax : 02-525-6879
Mobile : 010-8551-8493

RA Associate(약사)-외국계 유명제약사

Job Discription

Regulatory Affairs
-Ensure the registration and regulatory compliance of marketed products with relevant national regulatory requirements to bring competitive advantage to our brands.
-Registration execution:
-Compilation of registration dossiers for submissions to authorities
-Preparation, maintenance and update of product registration/license and regulatory compliance files.
-Submitting the registration application for new license & variation, as well as follow-up with governmental authorities to obtain rapid approvals.
-Maintaining regulatory documentation filing system.
-Prepare the regulatory/legal document to support export business (if any)
-Regulatory Requirements:
-Developing and maintaining a database of local regulatory requirements.
-Regulatory Advice
-Providing regulatory input for NPD/EPD projects
-Providing regulatory and product compliance expertise in the area of advertising, label claims and printed materials for existing and new products.

Job Requirements

-a registered pharmacist in Korea.
-Language skills: Good in English (영어의사소통가능자 선호)

-Clear and logical thinker with the ability to recognize patterns and develop innovative solutions
-Pro-active self-direction with a high level of initiative and persistence and a very much hands on approach to results delivery

Sally Chon

Sr. Consultant
Maverick Korea, Ltd.
Executive Search

Tel : 02-3486-6385
Fax : 02-525-6879
Mobile : 010-8551-8493
Email adress : sally@maverick.co.kr