
[한국아스트라제네카] Clinical Trial Assistant (CTA) 채용 모집안내


First for Innovation &amp; Value<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

혁신과 가치창조를 통해 최고를 지향한다”는 기업사명 아래 인류의 건강과 삶의 질 향상에 꼭 필요한 의약품 개발에 앞장서고 있는 아스트라제네카에서 당신의 꿈과 능력을 펼치십시오.

Job Description

Title: Clinical Trial Assistant (CTA)

Period: 1-year contract

Reporting to: Clinical Research Manager

Job Purpose

Coordinate &amp; Support Clinical Research related jobs, according to company policies and SOPs

Job key responsibilities

Setting-up country level for global study and local study on IMPACT

Working as IMAPCT super user role.

Working with Clinical Research Team in initiating, maintaining and closing/final archiving the SMF/ISF, ensuring GCP compliance.

Support other Clinical Research related to Jobs (working for assigned clinical program/ serving as the communication link when needed between the study centers and CRAs/other CR related administrative tasks.

Work with members of Clinical Research team to coordinate internal and external medical meetings including investigator’s meetings.

Supporting CPLs (Clinical Project Leaders) and CRM(Clinical Research Manager) in developing CCRFs / updating ACCORD.

Assure AstraZeneca of consistent and appropriately safe archiving of business critical documents in clinical trials both for short-term and long-term external archiving.

Coordinate Study Drug handling at distribution site and ensure compliance with AstraZeneca international Guideline/ Procedure of Study Drug handling, distribution site SOPs, GCP and GMP.


§ Bachelor degree in the relevant area (pharmacy, nursing, medicine, biology, chemistry etc).

§ Pharmacist is preferred.

§ Fluent spoken and written English and good knowledge of computer systms.

§ Previous administrative training or experiences is preferred.

Application Contact Info.

1 서류전형 (서류전형 합격자 개별 통보)

서류접수 방법
1. www.azk.co.kr
접속-> 채용정보
기본정보 입력 , 입사지원서 자기소개서(개별양식 가능) 작성 혹은 첨부
모집부문: 지원직종에서 “Medical CRA” 선택
지원서류 파일명: "지원자이름_지원분야(경럭/신입)_이력서/자기소개서"

**제출서류 :

이력서(국문 혹은 영문), 자기소개서 (각종 증빙서류는 서류전형합격자에 한해 추후제출)

**문의메일 : <?xml:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" />