
[한국아스트라제네카] 수시채용 모집안내


First for Innovation &amp; Value<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

혁신과 가치창조를 통해 최고를 지향한다”는 기업사명 아래 인류의 건강과 삶의 질 향상에 꼭 필요한 의약품 개발에 앞장서고 있는 아스트라제네카에서 당신의 꿈과 능력을 펼치십시오.

1. Job Description

[Asset Strategy]
&#8226; Period: One year contract
&#8226; Reporting to: Regulatory Affair manager

&#8226; Job Responsibility: To keep our products marketable based on the compliance with KFDAs requirements by reporting and getting approval about any changes in row materials or process for our products. .

&#8226; Job key tasks
-Secure API transfer projects
-Secure Formulation &amp; packing site transfer projects
-Ensure business/product with quality and regulatory compliance

&#8226; Requirements
-At least 1 year experience in relevant area is required.
-Spoken &amp; Written English is a must

[Medical Information Specialist]
&#8226; Period: June ~ Oct 31, 2011 (Maternity leave back up)
&#8226; Reporting to :

&#8226; Job key responsibilities
-To collect, analyze and disseminate accurate and high quality information to both external and internal customers
-Promotional/non-promotional material and activity review &amp; providing medical information of GI, CV products in full compliance with -Astrazeneca code of conduct and Pharma Code.
-Cross-functional medical support for GI, CV products.

&#8226; Requirements
-Bachelor degree or above in the relevant area (pharmacy, nursing, medicine, biology, chemistry etc).
-Pharmacist is preferred.
-Residency in hospital pharmacy or industrial pharmacy is an asset.
-more than 1 year previous experience in pharmaceutical industry or a medical environment is desired.
-Good at communication and English, Knowledge on source of information, searching and evaluation of published literature, knowledge on regulation for promotion is desired

[Team Assistant - Intern]

&#8226; Period: 6 Months

&#8226; Reporting to : Compliance team manager

&#8226; Job key responsibilities

-Support team activities in various way to enable team members work effectively

-Data management and document management

-Adhoc tasks on site.

&#8226; Requirements

MS Office Skill is required (Especially Excel)

More and less one year working experiences in admin works. (Undergraduate student is available)

2. Application Contact Info.

1차 서류전형 (서류전형 합격자 개별 통보)
차 면접전형

** 서류접수 방법
1. www.azk.co.kr
접속-> 채용정보
기본정보 입력 후, 입사지원서 및 자기소개서(개별양식 가능) 작성 혹은 첨부
모집부문: 지원직종에서 “Medical CRA” 선택
지원서류 파일명: "지원자이름_지원분야(경럭/신입)_이력서/자기소개서"

**제출서류 :
이력서(국문 혹은 영문), 자기소개서 (각종 증빙서류는 서류전형합격자에 한해 추후제출)
문의메일 : recruit.korea@astrazeneca.com