
postdoc 채용 공지(미국 Duke 대학)

미국 Duke 대학에서 Membrane Protein Structural Biology와 Electrophysiology 분야 포스트닥을 모집합니다.


Postdoctoral Position in Membrane Protein Structural Biology


A postdoctoral position is available in the field of membrane protein structural biology.

Research in my lab is aimed at understanding the molecular mechanism of eukaryotic ion channels and transporters. The work will involve extensive efforts towards expression and purification of ion channel and transporters; biochemical and biophysical characterization of the protein; and structure determination by X-ray crystallography.

Applicants should have substantial experience in molecular biology, protein expression and biochemistry, and X-ray crystallography. The position requires a Ph.D. in biochemistry, biophysics, or a related field and less than two years of postdoctoral experience.

The lab is located in Duke University Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina. Competitive salary with benefits will be provided. My laboratory is equipped with state-of-the art facilities for structural biology including a crystallization robot, protein biochemistry, and electrophysiology.

Please send curriculum vitae, a brief summary of research experience and interest, and contact information for three references by email to:

Seok-Yong Lee

Assistant Professor of Biochemistry

Duke University Medical Center

sylee AT
