
한국 MSD(제약) Medical Science Liasion(MSL)


모집제목: Medical Science Liasion (MSL)<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

기관명: 한국 MSD (제약)

근무지역: 서울시 마포구 공덕동 미래에셋생명 빌딩

담당업무: Medical Science Liasion (MSL)

급여: 당사규정에 따름

성별/경력/나이: 무관

업무기간: 6개월 (계약직)

Summary of Job Duties

1) Medical Affairs Plan Execution

: Develop Local Trial Concepts

: Manage Investigator- Initiated Trials

2) Medico-Scientific Information

: Search, organize, develop, and summarize medico-scientific information related to products and disease

: Deliver medico-scientific information to key customers as well as marketing and sales teams (through email communication, external customer visit, and sales and marketing training)

3) External Customer Meetings

: Manage advisory board meetings and key consultation meetings (Presentation, Q&amp;A, Customer pre-visit)

: Visit key customers to discuss about key medico-scientific information

Education required

MS holder preferred

BS in pharmacy, biology, microbiology, bioengineering, nursing, and related subjects

- 지원방법: 이메일 지원 kr_recruit@merck.com 이력서 제출 (국문, 영문)

이메일 제목에 MSL 명시

- 지원기간: 2010 07 16() 18:00 까지