
Job title: 유럽계 제약회사 Pharmacoeconomic (PE) Specialist

Job title: 유럽계 제약회사 Pharmacoeconomic (PE) Specialist]<?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O />

[Job Description]
&#8226; Develop and summarize various healthcare outcomes to meet specific requirements by HIRA.
&#8226; Initiate and coordinate related research projects locally that will help maximize reimbursement and access of products
&#8226; Prepare required dossiers to meet the requirement/expectation by pricing and reimbursement authorities
&#8226; Develop a network contacts within industry, academia and government.
&#8226; Liaise with global healthcare outcomes studies to reflect local components
&#8226; Develop and provide education, training and communication program for internal and external customers
&#8226; Attend and participate at relevant scientific conferences/workshops and professional continuing education meetings
&#8226; Reporting to the Government Affairs Head

[Job Requirements]
&#8226; Above Bachelor Degree
&#8226; Working experience in pharmacoeconomics (PE) or healthcare economics (HE) in pharmaceutical industry
&#8226; Minimum 2-3 years of working experience in epidemiological relation
&#8226; Understanding of Global Standard &amp; International view &amp; mindset / Process management / Value chain thinking
&#8226; Knowledge and Skills of science and/or health care related disciplines or statistics
&#8226; Understanding of healthcare outcomes method
&#8226; General understanding of clinical data, Problem-solving skills, Good command of English

[Additional Information]
커리어수준 : PE Specialist
급여사항 : 면접 후 협의
고용형태 : 경력 정규직 (한글직급은 경력에 따라 조정합니다)

[Guide for Applicants]
전형방법 :
차 서류전형
차 면접전형

제출서류 :
국문/영문 이력서 (경력위주)
각종 증빙서류는 최종합격자에 한해 추후제출)

접수방법 :
이메일: mrkang@careercare.co.kr

[Contact Information]
채용담당 : 커리어케어 의료제약팀 강미란 부장Tel :02)2286-3842 / Mobile : 010-8272-8482 / Fax :02)2286-3899
Homepage : http://www.careercare.co.kr
E-mail (Company): mrkang@careercare.co.kr
주소 : 서울 강남구 삼성동 154-8 C&amp;H빌딩 6-7 ()135-090