
GE Healthcare AS KOREA에 Sales Specialist 모집

GE Healthcare AS KOREA에 Sales Specialist 모집하게 되었습니다.

취업시즌도 다가오고 있어서 바쁘시겠지만, 유능한 인재들이 GE 헬스케어에 지원할 수 있도록 게시 부탁드리겠습니다.


[ GE Healthcare - Hexvix Sales Specialist ]

GE Healthcare AS KOREA에서 Hexvix Sales Specialist 를 모집합니다.

1. 회사명: GE Healthcare AS Korea

2. 채용인원: 2명 (정규직)

3. 근무내용 및 지원자격


· Identify business opportunity and lead projects to successful results
· Maximize sales orders, margin, market share, customer satisfaction and business solutions in assigned accounts.
· Develop key opinion leaders and manage them effectively.
· Develop good long-term customer relationships, and high customer satisfaction whilst utilizing to optimum level resources in the team and Company/GE businesses.
· Support sales of assigned product range and business solutions to customers within area.
· Organize product demonstrations, sites visits and follow up.
· Communicate market information effectively to/from the field including competitor data.
· Communicate effectively with members to maximize all sales potential and communicates leads to relevant colleagues.
· Generates, record and maintain customer profiles, including keeping track of key decision makers.
· Ensures knowledge of and compliance with Company policies and quality processes

Required Qualifications:

· Healthcare, Pharmaceutical or Life Sciences background.
· Prefer more than 2 years work experience as a nurse at the university hospital

· 2 – 5 years experience.
· Technical expertise in modality
· Selling skills.
· Negotiating skills.
· Communication skills. (English)
· Interpersonal skills.

Preferred Qualifications:
· Team working skills (incl. Ability to harness resources to achieve goal).
· Presentation skills.
· Understanding and Experience in urology
· Fluent English.
· Knowledge of market place.
· Appreciation of business environment

Please upload your resume or CV follwing site.

4. 입사지원방법: 국영문 이력서 각1부씩 온라인 (http://www.ge.com/kr/careers/index.html) 지원

5. 마감기한 : 8/23 자정까지

6. 담당자 : 최소영 대리

이메일 : soyoung.choi@ge.com