
외국계 제약사 / Medical 전문 인력 채용안내


외국계 유명 제약사내 메디컬 부서에서 학술 마케팅을 담당하실 분을 찾고 있습니다. <?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O />

약학/생물학/화학 분야에서 석박사 과정을 마치신 분을 찾고 있으며, 박사 학위자의 경우 실제 업무 경력이 없더라도 지원가능한 포지션 입니다.

자세한 담당업무는 아래 내용 참고 부탁 드립니다.

추가로 궁금하신 사항에 대해서는 02-739-7688 / 담당자 김소연으로 문의 부탁 드립니다.

그럼 서울대 약학대학원 기졸업자 분들의 많은 지원 부탁 드립니다.


*회사 소개 : 외국계 유명 제약회사

*채용 분야 : Medical 전문 인력

*업무 내용 :

1) Key Customer Management

-Shape physicians' view on the disease and establish scientific needs for product

-Visit thought leaders on scientific issue basis such as therapeutic issue, clinical research, product, basic science on disease

-Liaise with global &amp; regional medical directors

2) Speaker Development and Management

-Develop key speakers to become strong advocates for the product &amp; therapeutic class

-Support speaker through lecture content discussion &amp; slide development

-Develop speaker pool &amp; provide qualified speakers as required

3) IISP (Investigator Initiated Study Program) &amp; CDSP (Clinical Development Study

Program) champion

-Lead all the process regarding IISP (e.g. discuss with potential investigators for highly scientific protocol development meeting our requirement of IISP submission, attend IISP committee meeting to represent the product champion)

-Support clinical trial protocol development with clinical research team

4) Product Training Support

-Search &amp; provide updated articles on the product and develop key messages for training of sales rep.

-Closely work with the marketing to develop training program for sales reps over disease and product update

*자격 요건 :

-Education: Master or Ph.D. degree in science major (Pharmacy, Biology, Chemistry etc.) is preferred

-Ability to understand and integrate complex scientific concepts

-Superior interpersonal and communication skills (esp. Ability to communicate with, and influence top tier national thought leaders in an academic settings)

-Good command of English (both written and verbal skills)

*제출 서류 : 영문 이력서(Ms-Word)

-이메일 접수: sophie@rokiaccess.com

-기타 문의: 739-7688 / 담당자 &#8211; 김소연

*마감일 : ASAP

*이메일 지원시 반드시 지원하는 포지션을 명시해 주시기 바랍니다