
Lab leader for research of pharmacology 채용안내

1. Introduction:
This Institute is an international research institute, linking cell based disease models to therapy development. Using a chemical genomics approach, it’s technological platform relies on computer-aided visualization in conjunction with high throughput live cell imaging. The institute integrates all steps from basic cell biological research on disease models, to screening and pharmacology, medicinal chemistry as well as automated visual target ID and systems biology. It focuses on both chronic and infectious diseases.

2. Job title: Group Leader of Drug Biology

3. Job Description
- Develop and implement in vitro and in vivo pharmacology for lead identification and optimization to supervise and monitor in vivo for coordination of drug discovery and development.

4. Job Requirements
- A Ph. D. with more than 10 years of experience in Pharmacology with experience and knowledge in Pharmacokinetics for drug discovery and development are ideal qualifications for this position, and good communications skills are essential.
- 박사학위 (Ph.D.) 소지자 (해외학위 소지자 우대)
- 학부: 약학/생화학/생명과학 관련 전공, 석사 및 박사: Pharmacology, Pharmacokinetics, Toxicology 관련전공 우대
- 경력: 제약회사 및 생명과학 관련 연구소, 신약개발 관련 업무
- 나이: 35세 ~ 40세 초반
- 성별: 남녀 무관
- English (written & spoken) 필수

5. Other information
- 제출서류: 국문/영문이력서, 경력기술서 (추후 각종 증빙서류는 입사시 제출)
- 연봉: 8,000만원

6. Contact
커리어케어 의료제약팀 강미란 차장

Tel :02)2286-3842 / Mobile : 019-472-8482 / Fax :02)2286-3899
Homepage : http://www.careercare.co.kr
E-mail : mrkang@careercare.co.kr
주소 : 서울시 강남구 삼성동 154-8 C&H빌딩 6-7층 (우)135-090