

A call for SNU Global Scholarship Program, Fall 2020(2020-2학기 '글로벌 초우수 인재 정착지원 사업' 신청서 접수 안내)


2020학년도 2학기 '글로벌 초우수 인재 정착지원 사업' 장학생 신청서 접수가 아래와 같이 시행됨을 알려드리오니 관심있는 학생들의 많은 지원 바랍니다.

1. 장학금명: SNU Global Scholarship(서울대학교 글로벌 초우수 장학금)

가. SNU GS1 (초우수 외국인 학문후속 세대 지원)

: 등록금, 생활비 월 120만원, 항공료 실비 1회(신입생에 한하여 지원)

나. SNU GS2 (초우수 외국인 핵심인재 지원) : 등록금

다. Korean Language Special Program (한국어 수업 저녁반 지원)

: 언어교육원 한국어 수업 Special Program(저녁반) 1회(10주) 연수비 지원

※ 2020년 봄학기 한국어수업 온라인 지원 마감 : 2020. 7. 31.(금)

2. 신청대상: 본교 외국인 대학원생(재학생 및 2020학년도 2학기 입학예정자)

3. 수혜기간: 1년

※ 한국어 수업(저녁반): 2020년 가을학기 10주

4. 신청서류

가. 신청서식 1부[붙임 2]

나. 최종학력 성적표 1부

다. 공공분야 경력증명서 1부 및 학업적성, 학업계획, 졸업 후의 비전을 포함한 자기소개 동영상 링크 삽입(※해당자에 한하며 가산점 혜택)

5. 신청방법: 신청서류를 우편 제출

6. 제 출 처: 약대 교학 행정실 장학금 담당자

주소: 08826 서울시 관악구 관악로 1 서울대학교 약학대학 21동 105호 교학행정실

7. 신청기간: 2020. 6. 16.(화) ~ 2020. 7. 3.(금) 18:00까지

8. 결과발표: 2020. 7. 20.(월) 17시 이후 (합격자에 한해 이메일 개별 통지)

붙임 1. 2020학년도 2학기 글로벌초우수장학금 안내문 1부.

2. 2020학년도 2학기 신청서식 1부. 끝.


A Call for SNU Global Scholarship Applications for Fall 2020


Seoul National University(hereinafter SNU) is proud to announce the beginning of its acceptance for SNU Global Scholarship applications for Fall semester of 2020. SNU Global Scholarship is designed to enable highly competitive students to concentrate on their research and to promote global research environment at SNU.


SNU Global Scholarship for Fall 2020


□ Scholarship Summary


- There are three types of scholarships in SNU Global Scholarship


※ Applicants can choose more than one program among three options in their SNU Global Scholarship application form. The scholarship period may vary among departments or colleges.


□ Eligibility: International graduate students of SNU(both enrolled students and freshmen)


□ Number of recipients: To be announced


□ Application Period: June 16(Tue)~ July 3(Fri), 2020


□ Result Announcement: After 17:00(Seoul Time), July 20(Mon), 2020


※ Only those who finally selected as Global Scholarship recipients will be contacted by email.




□ Subsidies


1) Type 1: SNU Global Scholarship 1


: Tuition, Living Allowance (monthly KRW 1,200,000), Round-trip Airfare (only for freshman)


※Public Sector Scholarship (Scholarship for public sector employees from developing countries) is included in GS 1.


: Eligible candidates should have more than one year work experience at the public sector prior to the announcement of SNU admissions result.


: Please submit the official '''document''' in English or Korean indicating employment history at public sectors.


※ Points will be added for submitting Video Link*



2) Type 2: SNU Global Scholarship 2

: Tuition

※ Points will be added for submitting Video Link*


* Students could submit video file using the specified method(Vimeo, Youtube) presenting Academic Achievements, Study Plan, Goals after Graduation. Presentations are limited to 5 minutes and competitors exceeding 5 minutes are disqualified.


3) Type3 : Korean Language Special Program


: Tuition for Korean Language evening classes at the Language Education Institute, SNU (only for Fall 2020)


※ Applicants should fill in the on-line application for the program(evening class) until July 31(Fri), 2020.


※ Failure to complete the course and/or the previous cancellation of Korean Language Program are considered as you renounced your scholarship last semester and will result in disadvantages for scholarship selection.



□Subsidized Period: 1 year


※ Scholarship may be renewed on an academic semester basis; the recipients must maintain an average grade point level of 3.0/4.3.


※ Please note that the recipients of the SNU Global Scholarship Program might be restricted from taking leave of absence. For leave of absence, recipients should contact OIA and the office of representative college office.



Required 'document's


1) Application form


2) Tran'script' of academic record at your final educational institution


3) Certificate of work experience in public sector (optional)


4) Recommendation letter(s) (optional)





1) Please submit an application and other official required 'document's by post to the scholarship coordinator at each college.


Room 105, Bldg.21, College of Pharmacy Seoul National University

1, Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea


2) Emailed/Faxed Applications are not acceptable.


3) Late applications will not be considered under any circumstance.